

Concrete Canal Trimmer

The G&Z canal trimmer is available in a two, three, or four track configuration. The hydraulic jacking columns, crawler tracks, truss frame, power unit, and conveyor widths can be designed and sized to handle a wide range of canal sizes and / or target production rates in keeping with the type of soils to be encountered and to stay ahead of the concrete lining operation.

Since 1947, G&Z has built both bucketline and auger trimmers. Through this long experience, G&Z has determined that the bucketline system, although initially more expensive to purchase, is the least costly to operate, can handle a wider variety of soil conditions, and allows the trimmer to be reconfigured for almost any conceivable canal cross section. Thus the trimmer can be reconfigured to handle trapezoidal shaped canals in the half span and full span or varying slope angles or flat configuration as well as parabolic and half round canal cross sections. So no matter what canal you run into in the future your trimmer can be reconfigured to handle it.

The other key feature of a G&Z bucketline trimmer and why it is the most efficient / productive trimming system in the world is that once the material is trimmed, it is carried to the top of the canal and deposited directly onto a conveying system. This conveying system can be designed to handle any number of canal construction scenarios:

  • Depositing the trimmer spoils in a windrow away from the side of the canal that can be used for fill to avoid rehandling.
  • Depositing the trimmer spoils directly into hauling trucks to haul away from cuts and to avoid rehandling.
  • Depositing the trimmer spoils into other conveyors to discharge spoils on the opposite side of the canal or further away from the edge of the canal.

Consult with the G&Z factory about your projects specific challenges.

Canal Trimmer Information

Canal Trimmer Brochure
Concrete Canal Equipment Quote Request