

Concrete Canal Liner Intro

The ingenuity and success of the G&Z Canal Liner over the years is its ability to be adapted to a wide variety of concrete paving and base laying applications. This versatile machine can be used for reservoir lining, large and small canals, power channels, drainage canals, highways and airfield paving, and even concrete racetracks.

The Liner is available in a two, three, or four track configuration. The hydraulic jacking columns, crawler tracks, truss frame with slipform pan, power unit, and conveyor widths can be designed and sized to handle a wide range of canal sizes and / or target concrete or base production rates. The canal liner is capable of being converted to a highway or airport paver in the future.

Concrete can be distributed along the front of the liner in a number of ways. Historically, G&Z has used concrete dump skips, drag chains, and wiper conveyors. The best method is typically determined by your intended concrete production rate or intended type of hauling trucks. Concrete production rates from 60 to 600 cyh (45 to 470m3/hr) are achievable with the limitation typically being:

  • Concrete plant’s practical productive output
  • Type and number of concrete delivery trucks
  • Joint forming and the concrete finishing operation.

Of all the different means of distributing concrete, experience has shown that the most flexible and productive of the different solutions is the wiper conveyor especially on canals with long slopes.

To keep the concrete or base material on the slopes, the Liner is provided with a liquification hopper located just ahead of the slipform pan. The hopper is divided into compartments approximately 36” (1M) wide. The concrete (or in some cases base) in the hopper is vibrated by a high frequency vibrating bar or individual poker vibrators located along the front of the slipform pan.

Consult with the G&Z factory about your projects specific challenges and needs.

Concrete Canal Liner Information

Concrete Canal Liner Brochure
Concrete Canal Equipment Quote Request